Added capability to sync Visual Studio theme with Windows theme.
Built Theme Converter to convert VS Code themes to work in Visual Studio 2022.Added Theme Pack and worked with VS Code theme authors to launch collection of custom themes.Added Color Tabs for vertical and horizontal tabs.External Sources Node in Solution Explorer.We have added more updates to the Extrenal Sources node, you can now see the module under the sub-node "Modules without Sources" and load the symbols form solution explorer itself.We have released a new type of breakpoint called Dependent Breakpoint, which allows you to configure a breakpoint to be enabled only if another breakpoint is first hit.Please see our AMP Deprecation links for more details. To silence the errors, define _SILENCE_AMP_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS. Including in a C++ project will generate build errors. Updated to NDK r21 LTS in C++ Mobile Development workload.Added support for gsl::not_null to code analysis.Code analysis now enforces that return values of functions annotated with _Check_return_ or _Must_inspect_result_ must be checked.We have improved null pointer dereference detection in our code analysis tooling.Support for libfuzzer under the switch -fsanitize=fuzzer.The IntelliSense Code Linter for C++ is now on by default, providing instant as-you-type suggestions and fix suggestions for common code defects.Improved C++ IntelliSense performance by optimizing cached header usage and symbol database access, providing improved load times to get into your code.

Made improvements in C++ IntelliSense when providing navigation and syntax highlighting for types from imported Modules and Header Units.The Game development with C++ workload now installs the latest Unreal Engine with support with for Visual Studio 2022.Previously, the toolset used MD5 for source hashing by default. The MSVC toolset now defaults to SHA-256 source hashing in debug records.LLVM tools shipped with Visual Studio have been upgraded to LLVM 12.See the CMake 3.21 release notes for details on what is available. We have upgraded the version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to version 3.21.You can now debug processes running on a remote systems from Visual Studio with LLDB.This is a step towards support for building modules-based projects with CMake and we are working on completing this support in later releases. Implemented /scanDependencies flag for outputting C++20 module dependencies for CMake projects as described in P1689r3.CMake Overview Pages have been updated to support CMakePresets.json.The Project menu in CMake projects has been streamlined and exposes options to "Delete Cache and Reconfigure" and "View Cache".This allows you to build a subset of targets in your CMake project. Visual Studio now supports the buildPresets.targets option in CMakePresets.json.Both cross-platform CMake projects and MSBuild-based Linux projects are supported. You can now build and debug natively on WSL2 without establishing a SSH connection.For more information see our Hot Reload section below. It supports both MSBuild and CMake projects. The new Hot Reload experience is now available to native C++ applications when running under the debugger.The v143 build tools are now available through the Visual Studio installer as well as the standalone build tools.Azure Cloud Service (classic) and Azure Cloud Service (extended support) projects are now supported.