Warhol then stepped off the plinth and walked away leaving only the pedestal and a small wall label reading Andy Warhol, USA, Invisible Sculpture, Mixed Media, 1985. To activate the work Warhol briefly stood on a pedestal in the nightclub. The concept of his Invisible Sculpture was to show that the absence of something could be art. In 1985 Andy Warhol created The Invisible Sculpture via performance art at the famed, New York downtown nightclub Area. Nightmare on Elm Street / Freddy Krueger.Well, it’s still worth more than a Tweet. But somewhere down the line, it feels as if the actual thought behind this has been lost, and that what is important about the piece is the ownership.

It was filled with satirical energy as well as the odd sanctity of ritual, and its echoes are still visible in the conceptual art world. Zone of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility was something novel at its time-Yves Klein tapped into the very essence of monetary transactions, the art world, and the concept of ownership. With its focus on the assertion of authenticity from the sheer self-knowledge of the “owner” as well as those officials involved in the process, it’s no surprise that it is being likened to the current nature of NFTs. This receipt from Zone of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility, which sold at a Sotheby’s auction in Paris to a private collector for $1.2 million this past month, belonged to Jacques Kugel-the original buyer of a zone who refused to burn the receipt in this ritual, giving the receipt increasing value over the years. Countless contemporary artists have done the same, including Italian artist Salvatore Garau’s “immaterial sculpture” Io sono which sold last year for $18,300. Andy Warhol famously displayed his Invisible Sculpture in the legendary nightclub Area, where he stood on a pedestal for a short while before exiting, a writeup explaining that his aura would remain. Klein was not the only artist to see empty spaces-voids, negative space, absence-as their own form of artwork. The endeavour is now considered an early advent of conceptual art. Truly ringing more of ritualism than materialism in its transactional nature, Klein would offer empty zones of space to collectors, giving them a receipt in exchange, and finishing the procedure by having the recipient burn the receipt before art world witnesses to verify the claim as he would dump half of the gold he gained from the sale into the Seine river. Yves Klein-the French pioneer of Nouveau réalisme whose namesake of International Klein Blue was central to his creative practice-conducted the performance and sale of Zone of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility from 1959 till his death in 1962. But quite possibly the epitome of humanity’s absurdity and the fine line of modern art is seen in work like Yves Klein’s Zone of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility- which a receipt for just sold at $1.2 million. Fleeting online experiences that amount to singular serotonin boosts (hopefully), shiny costumes for digital avatars, or the ability to let people know that a particular. In our modern, digital-consumerist society, we are no strangers to paying for…well, nothing.